Become a Library Makers Ambassador!

Do you get excited about maker programming in libraries? Are you an outgoing and enthusiastic person who enjoys learning new things and sharing information with colleagues? Are you eager to reach out and network with others who run makerspaces or create maker programs and projects?

We are about to launch a new website and community engagement platform to host all of our events and be a ‘one stop shop’ for all things Library Makers. Members will be able to make a profile and communicate with one another to share promising practices, find resources and be inspired by others! In addition, members can find others near them geographically to collaborate or simply have coffee and connect.

As we transition to this new phase of our community, we need your help! We are looking for individuals to help spread the word, contribute content, provide feedback, and encourage new library staff to join and navigate our community as a part of our Inaugural Ambassador program!

What is an Ambassador?

The goal for each of our Inaugural Library Maker’s Ambassadors is to provide support to the outreach and programming efforts of the Library Makers group by promoting the new platform in your individual networks and helping create content and facilitate programs. Each Ambassador will be able to choose the specific parts of these efforts on which to focus their efforts.

Our goal is to maintain a balanced and diverse representation of all types of libraries in both of our leadership layers. We encourage applicants working in public, school, academic, tribal, small, and rural libraries as well as those reaching underserved communities.

What will an Ambassador do?

Inaugural Ambassadors will serve a one-year term. In addition to providing outreach and helping grow our group, you can also choose some of the following ways to contribute to Library Makers:

  • Providing feedback on the systems and processes we have in place 

  • Alerting Charter Member leaders to important issues that arise in the field 

  • Recruiting and promoting the work of future leaders of the community

  • Building relationships that encourage others to join the community

  • Being an active member of either the new website, Facebook group or both.

  • Sharing knowledge on social media, through synchronous online events, at a conference, on a blog or the new creative format of your choosing!

Sounds fun! What are the benefits of participating?

Members of this Inaugural Ambassador group will receive individual recognition on the community platform for the duration of their term as well as gain professional experience in specific areas of their own choosing (program design and facilitation, marketing, public speaking, etc.). You will also receive a special thanks for helping to provide feedback on the Makers in the Library Toolkit in the final publication. In addition, each Inaugural Ambassador will receive a stipend of $1000 for their participation. This stipend can be to you as an individual or through your library.

Okay, I’m sold. How do I apply?

Submit your information using this form by May 5, 2023. A preview of the questions can be viewed here.

Still have questions? View our full program overview here or contact us at

A committee of our Charter Members, Project Leads, and Advisory Board Members will be selecting approximately 12 - 15 Inaugural Ambassadors. Selections will be made by May 22, 2023 and your Ambassador 1-year term will end May 31, 2024.


The Maturation and Growth of Library Makers: A National Community of Practice


Communicating the Value of Makerspaces